Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm diggin' it

I've only had my braces on for 4 months and I can already tell my teeth are moving into the correct position. Before braces, I only had 2 pairs of teeth on each side that would touch and now I have 3 pairs and maybe almost 4. My upper front teeth are also moving back and my lower teeth aren't so crowded. My teeth must have been really messed up. Anyway, I am diggin' it. I got my teeth cleaned today and new stronger wires put on. Ouch. I also had them put on blue rubber bands (is that what they are called?). I think they look too young for me, but my kids love them. They both want braces now. They don't know what they are saying....


  1. It's amazing how quickly we see a difference with braces. I can remember seeing what I felt was a pretty significant change in as little as six weeks!

  2. Hi June, wow, you look great for 46, actually you look more like 36. Anyway, wanted to thank you for stopping by on my blog. I don't post very often any more but I'm about to get my 9 crowns in front so I may be posting pictures soon. I absolutely think the jaw surgery was worth the pain and cost. Its a long journey but I know that once its done, I will be happy with not only how the result looks, but the fact that I will have the right bite for the next 30-40 year! Good luck. Mary
