Thursday, August 13, 2009

Not much new to report. I'm getting used to the braces and I hardly notice them any more, except when I eat. It's gross how much food gets stuck in there. I go in next week for a tightening or to get the rest of my bands put on. My teeth were so crowded they couldn't get all my bands on. It's amazing how the ortho knows how to move all my teeth into the right place. This probably is a dumb question, but where do normal people hold their tongue when their mouth is closed? I think my ortho said it's supposed to be at the roof of your mouth, which is weird because I always thought if I did that it would push my teeth out further. Anyway, I keep my tongue at the bottom. Gee, no wonder my jaws are messed up.

Here's a dorky picture of me right before my braces were put on.


  1. Thanks for the comment - I've added you to my links. Good luck with the journey :)

  2. Hi June -- thanks for your comment to my blog. Congratulations on your decision to have jaw surgery. Its pretty scary I know. But all worth it. I agree with the other advice you received. Be sure to do your own research and read blogs to be prepared. Especially be prepared (1) to feel emotionally very low after the surgery and (2) to have food on hand. I survived on soy protein drinks I picked up at Whole Foods. It also really helps to have someone who is supporting you both emotionally and with cooking etc. I also advise you to ask your surgeon very specific questions about what he or she is doing and why. I didn't do any of this and after the surgery I realized that I wished I'd had more input. Also, I recommend that you take a full 2 weeks or longer off from everything after surgery. It really does take a toll on you physically and emotionallly. But its all worth it. Regards, Mary
