Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sleep Study Done

I had a sleep study a few weeks ago. It wasn't too bad. I was able to sleep, with the help of a sleeping pill and a super-comfortable sleep number bed. I think my number is 85. Anyway, it was a little weird at first with all these wires attached all over my body and with a camera pointed right at me. The news from the study is that I have mild sleep apnea. I had 2 apneas and 14 hypopneas during the night. My pulse ox never went below 85%. Overall, the doc said it was mild and he didn't know if the insurance would cover my surgery with my sleep apnea being so mild. He will try though. He also said I was ready for surgery. He is out of town the whole month of June, so he said I could do it May or July. (I'm kinda scared now that it's getting closer to surgery.) I hate to do it in May because if I have any problems and he's out of town I might panic. I also have to wear some type of mouth piece for 1-2 months before the surgery to relax my jaw muscles. I don't have that yet, so that means July is looking more realistic.


  1. I can't believe they actually took them off... that is great! :) I hope you have fun in Rome. What is wrong with your bite? I can't really tell in your pictures. Also I have an ortho blog and i would love any advice and/or support, so please follow! thanks!!!! :)


  2. Hi Makay. Thanks for your post. It's always nice to talk to a fellow jaw blogger. I guess I didn't really explain my jaw problems. I have a class-2 bite. My surgeon said he'd have to move my bottom jaw forward 6mm and my upper jaw up about 2-3mm. I don't really have any pain or tooth wear. I just would like to fix my teeth so I could close my lips together. I do have mild sleep apnea that I hope this would fix. Please feel free to follow my blog and I'll do the same. Blessings, June

  3. Thanks!!! :) And I think we have the exact opposite problem with our jaws... haha. I have an underbite, openbite, and crossbite- an all around bad bite I suppose. haha. Thanks for the support! :)


  4. Hi June, did your doctor say anything about your airway being small? My OS says I can probably get it covered because of that.

  5. Louise, that's an excellent point. My OS did say my airway was about 5 and it should be 10 (mm?). He will submit that to the insurance company too. Let me know if your insurance company approves your surgery. Thanks for the suggestion. June

  6. Hi June, my braces are going on in April, so I'm just starting this process. I have to see my family doctor to have him submit reasons I need the surgery for my insurance. I'm going ahead no matter what, but I;m hopeful it will be covered. I realize there have to be health reasons like the airway, apnea, and my ineffective bite. My OS said the airway makes me out of breath, and prevents enough oxygen from getting to my lungs and organs, which affects overall health as we get older.

  7. Hi Louise. I'm like you - I plan on having the surgery whether or not the insurance pays for it. I'm hoping they do of course. I wasn't aware that I had a small airway until my OS told me. That does sound like a big deal to be half the size it should be. I should know in a few weeks what the insurance says. Keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Good luck on getting your braces on. It hurts for the first week or 2 then only after tightenings. I remember thinking I was such a baby right after my braces went on, but it really does hurt. June
