Friday, April 9, 2010

Surgery Date and Insurance Approval

Ok, I'm freaking out now. I have surgery scheduled on May 6 at 7:30am. Although I have known the date for a while I haven't wanted to post it, because I kept thinking I might back out because I'm nervous. However, today my OS's office called to tell me my insurance company has approved my surgery. Yes, they will pay for all of it except the genioplasty. (That one I knew they wouldn't pay for.) I am really kind of surprised they approved it, but it just validates my thoughts that there is something wrong with me. lol If anyone has some words of wisdom and encouragement I'd love to hear them.


  1. Wow! I'm so glad you got the approval for Insurance...I know I'm going to freak out too... but it will go great!I get my braces friday, so I'm just starting. I wish you all the best!

  2. Hi Louise. How is going with your braces? They hurt don't they? Trust me, it does get better. I thought the first 2 weeks were the worst. When I first got them on they hurt so bad I didn't think I could even go through with the surgery. Now I hardly even know they're there, except when I eat. Thanks for following my journey. Blessings, June

  3. June, you are reading my mind. My mouth is all ripped up, and my teeth ache. I don't remember it being like this when I was a kid. I'm on day 5, and it's a little better. I feel like a wimp, since surgery is way more invasive. I've had a few dental procedures done in the last few years, and I would take any or all of them over this! I'm also extremely down because of my son's friend, he is 23 and dying of cancer, probably this week. It's just a bad time. thanks for listening.It helps to have people who understand.

  4. Hi Louise. By now your teeth are probably feeling much better. I don't remember it being so painful when I was younger either. I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friend. When someone is that young it's so incredibly hard. I can't imagine loosing one of my children. How's everyone doing? June
